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PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version Module 3. CLINICAL. CLASSIFICATION. ADOS DIAGNOSIS. Autism. PDD-NOS.ADOS 2 Module 3 Booklet (pkg 10). Author(s) : Catherine Lord, Michael Rutter, Pamela C. DiLavore, Susan Risi, Katherine Gotham, and Somer L. Bishop. the ADOS-2 reliably for clinical or research purposes. ADOS A "Comparison Score" for Modules 1-3 which converts ADOS-2 Overall. O. ADOS Module 3 Fidelity of Implementation Coding Checklist. 222 Table 3: ADOS Module 2 Administration Tasks and Coded Items.. 83. The algorithm process for the Toddler Module leads to an ADOS-2 Range of Concern. Module 1. Module 2. Module 3. Module 4. Module T. Page
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